Mohsen Hariri


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Research interests

Machine Learning, Quantum Computing


M.Sc. in Computer and Data Sciences (Current GPA: 4.0/4.0) • Case Western Reserve University, Expected Completion: 2026

Research Focus: Mathematical interpretation of deep networks, Supervisor: Prof. Vipin Chaudhary

B.Sc. in Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Tehran, 2013

Thesis: Evaluating and Analysis on Therapeutic Environment's Network Using Simple Network Management Protocol for Fault Detection and Management, Routing and Auto-discovery , Supervisor: Prof. Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi

Research experience

Novel adaptation of video segmentation to 3D MRI: efficient zero-shot knee segmentation with SAM2 • Department of Computer Sciences, CWRU

Authors: AS Yu, M Hariri, X Zhang, M Yang, V Chaudhary, X Li

A zero-shot, single-prompt method for 3D knee MRI segmentation was developed using the Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM2). By adapting SAM2 to treat MRI slices as video frames, accurate segmentation was achieved without additional training, offering a scalable solution for automated medical image analysis. Supervisor: Dr. Vipin Chaudhary

Deep learning-based segmentation of rectal structures on T2w magnetic resonance imaging in perianal Crohn’s disease • Department of Biomedical Engineering, CWRU

Authors: A. Sridharana, M. Hariri, M. Kong, I. B. Flannery, S. E. Viswanath

Deep learning and foundation models were compared for segmenting fistula-anal canal anatomy in Crohn’s Disease using Pelvic MRI. While deep learning models effectively segmented the internal sphincter, they showed sub-optimal performance on perianal fistula and external sphincter compared to manual annotations. Supervisor: Dr. Satish Viswanath

Radiomics to Detect Inflammation and Fibrosis on Magnetic Resonance Enterography in Stricturing Crohn’s Disease • Department of Biomedical Engineering, CWRU

Authors: P. Chirra, J. Sleiman, N. S. Gandhi, I. O. Gordon, M. Hariri, M. Baker, R. Ottichilo, D. H. Bruining, J. A. Kurowski, S. E. Viswanath, F. Rieder

Developed a radiomics-based machine-learning model to characterize inflammation and fibrosis in Crohn’s disease strictures using MRE. The model improved diagnostic accuracy compared to radiologist visual scoring, with combined use enhancing performance. Supervisor: Dr. Satish Viswanath

Spatial attention wavelon network (SpAWN) for survival-based risk stratification in kidney cancers via CT • Department of Biomedical Engineering, CWRU

Authors: B. T. Flannery, T. DeSilvio, A. R. Sadri, M. Hariri, E. M. Remer, J. Nguyen, S. E. Viswanath

The Spatial Attention Wavelon Network (SpAWN) is introduced for risk stratification of kidney cancers using CT scans. SpAWN uses pre-training spatial attention and wavelon activation functions to improve model interpretability and generalizability. Supervisor: Dr. Satish Viswanath

Federated Image Quality Assessment of Prostate MRI Scans in a Multi-institutional Setting • Department of Biomedical Engineering, CWRU

Authors: M. Hariri, P. Chirra, M. Patel, T. T. Einat, I. Dayan, A. Tonetti, Y. Baror, T. Barrett, N. Sushentsev, J. D. Kaggie, S. Yuan, D. Wu, B. Yu, Z. Lyu, C. Hsu, W. Wang, S. Krishnamurthi, S. E. Viswanath

This study addresses the challenge of image artifact impacts on the reliability of machine learning models in medical imaging, exacerbated across multiple institutions, Supervisor: Dr. Satish Viswanath

Deep Learning Based Risk Stratification of Pre-operative CT Scans is Prognostic of Overall Survival in Kidney Cancers • Department of Biomedical Engineering, CWRU

Authors: B. Flannery, M. Hariri, T. DeSilvio, A. Sadri, J. Nguyen, E. M. Remer, S. Krishnamurthi, S. E. Viswanath

A deep learning model was developed to enhance preoperative risk assessment and predict survival in kidney cancer patients through CT scans, aiming to improve treatment decisions and overcome limitations of traditional clinical methods. Supervisor: Dr. Satish Viswanath

Intra-and Peri-tumoral Radiomic Features are Predictive of Pathologic Response to Multiple Neoadjuvant Therapy Regimen in Rectal Cancers via Pre-treatment MRI • Department of Biomedical Engineering, CWRU

Authors: L. Bao, T. DeSilvio, B. N. Parker, M. Hariri, P. Chirra, M. Labbad, S. Tang, G. M. O'Connor, E. Steinhagen, J. L. Miller-Ocuin, A. Gupta, E. L. Marderstein, A. Carroll, M. Crittenden, M. J. Gough, S. Krishnamurthi, K. H. Young, S. E. Viswanath

Radiomics from pretreatment MRI were analyzed to predict which rectal cancer patients would respond to neoadjuvant treatments, addressing limitations of traditional staging and biomarker. Supervisor: Dr. Satish Viswanath

Virtual Reality as an Acute Pain Reliever During Laceration Repair in Emergency Departments: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Authors: M. Rezai, L. Namdari, D. Farsi, N. Ashayeri, M. Naghshbandi, M. Hariri, R. Ghafoury

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of VR on reducing pain in adult patients during laceration repair in the emergency department (ED). Supervisor: Dr. Mahdi Rezai

Crohn's Disease Strictures Evaluation with MRE • Department of Biomedical Engineering, CWRU

Extracting features from MRE images for a random forest classifier (The source code is available on the CCIPD's repository), Supervisor: Prof. Satish Viswanath


Crohn's Disease Strictures Evaluation with CTE • Department of Biomedical Engineering, CWRU

Extracting features from CTE images for a random forest classifier (The source code is available on the CCIPD's repository), Supervisor: Prof. Satish Viswanath


Setup Ray Distributed Computing System on HPC (PEL) • Department of Biomedical Engineering, CWRU

Supervisor: Prof. Satish Viswanath

Analysis of Simple Network Management Protocol • Intelligent Software Engineering Lab., Department of Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology

Supervisor: Dr. Abbas Heydarnoori

Simulation of an analyzer for EEG (Electroencephalography) signals in MATLABUniversity of Tehran

Professional experience


Machine learning researcher • Department of Biomedical Engineering, CWRU

Instructor for two lectures (CSDS 341) • CWRU

Designed the final project. Made a template for the course project. Since students haven't worked with Java package managers like Maven I made a simple build system.

Designer and instructor • Weatherhead School of Management, CWRU

Designed an outline for a Big Data and Cloud Computing workshop, wrote all the workshop's code and challenges, and taught alongside Prof. Chaudhary.

Chief Editor of Biotech Magazine • University of Tehran

The official magazine of Iranian Society of Biomedical Engineering, student branch, University of Tehran

Head of Student Branch of Biomedical Engineering • University of Tehran


Head of Information Committee of Biomedical Engineering • University of Tehran



Software Developer and Game Designer • OBEID EMPIRE, Gamification Company

Selected Open Source Projects


Medical visualization tools, INVent lab, CWRU

Thumbnail-Preserving Encryption

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Oregon State University, Prof. Rakesh Bobba

Fesenjoon: Google Drive API management client • GitHubPyPl

Computer skills

